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The Artist
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Sabine Wegner

My name is Sabine Wegner.
I was born in 1960 in Weimar (Thuringia) and live since in this beautiful city.
By profession I am an engineer for building services.
We keep a small family guest house in Weimar.

I love the music. In my spare time I play bassoon in the Thuringia Doctors orchestra.
I also love the animals. In our small petting zoo live 2 cats, rabbits,  guinea pigs and turtles.

Children are something very special for me. It is always fascinating when new life is created and when one can watch the development of these little children.
I gave birth to 3 sons. It was the best time for me to see how they grow up.

In the summer of 2007, our family was hit by a severe blow. My mother helped us very at this sad time. Because she has long wanted a lifelike baby doll, I bought her as a thank you as a little creature from the Internet. When I had the first time this baby doll in my arms, I was immediately drawn into its spell. But a little later I noticed what might been able to do even better. I inquired about the Reborning and ordered all the materials. So it all began.

In my baby dolls I put all my love and passion and I work in great detail and clean, so they have a lifelike appearance.
I use according to manufacturer's only the best, highest-quality and non-toxic materials. For this and for the quality of my work I stand with my name.

Now, take a little time for a little pause, and then let you fall down with the following pages from the everyday into the world of my Rebornbabys.

Have fun and thank you very much!

Please excuse my English.

Sabine Wegner    


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